Thursday, November 08, 2007


say that ..

you've been teaching two kids for their science tests ..

And promised them with a nice treat for those who get 8 out of 10 or more ..

one gets a 9.5 ... the other one is not telling his grade what so ever ..

so probably below 7 !

This had happened many times before .. and u did take them all eventually..


it's not FAIR AT ALL .. TO reward them equally ..

AM i right ??

A special kid has to feel special .. no matter how the other one may feel !!

i decided to take the 9.5 boy to chocolate bar .. he was happy ..

told the other X- grade boy .. he ignored me and asked the 9.5 kid with a very cool tone ..

Z: Are u going to the one in Marina or the avenues !

ME (malgoofa ) : it's his call .. i'll take him anywhere he wants ..

he gave me a cold look .. turned his face to the kid ..

Z: if i were u .. i would go to the one in the avenues ..

i'm sure .. that he cares .. but can an 11 years old boy be such a good actor ??

when i was a little girl .. full marks were not an issue for me .. and my parents appreciation for that was overwhelming ..

i felt UNIQUE ..

and want the 9.5 brother to feel so ... in his own house ... for his over-average achievements ..

i'm not gonna let (Z) break through me with his angle eyes ..

i'm not gonna take the moment from the one who deserved it ..

i dont want my mother to sneak and take this cool boy to the same place ..

but the next table!

he's smart .. he must try better and take school more serious ..

they are both good kids .. but only one of them is getting the point .. right ??

i dont wanna break Z's heart :"(

at the same time .. i can't do it to K !!

help me !!


eshda3wa said...

i think u shouldt reward children on the grades they get, but the effort they put into studying...
ya3ne if both put the same amount of effort into it, bas got different grades u shouldnt neglect that.
sure praise the grade, let him feel good, but also turn to the other one and say i know u worked hard, but u can work harder n do better.

yes 11 year olds can act, i pulled many many acts alot younger than that!

Nora said...

ahlaan eshda3wa ...

i totally agree and hv been doing that..
we'r not wish'n to hv identical kids! they wont get the same results cuz they're simply DIFFERENT and i respect that
he's depending on US to do the effort !

nice to see u here ..

Anonymous said...

i got an 11 yrs old boy and 6 yrs girl and i try to explain my actions towards them the best i if i want to reward one and not the other i will tell them both why...and this method can work not just for reward and is for every action..cuz kids r still little humans and their minds r questioning everything around tell him why u did it and explain why u chose to do that....believe me it works.

Nora said...

Hello mother of an 11 and a 6 yrs :)

that is the most powerful and effective technique..

HE is careless ..
i told him..i'll take u in a different day if u showed me ur paper and be able to know ur mistakes..

he thinks i'll take him anyway like every time .. that's way i'm too concerned about hurt'n his feeling :(

thanks for sharing ur experience:)

الزين said...

شوفي حبيبتي

اخذيهم اثنينهم

الشاطر خليه يطلب اللي يبيه

واللي نص ونص انتى طلبي له شي عااااادي

وسعر اقل

ولما يتذمر

قولي له ان كل واحد ياخذ على قد الجهد اللي بذله

تبي تطلب بروحك

والشي اللي يعجبك

اشتغل على نفسك شويه

وعدل درجاتك

وبهالطريقه انتى وديتيهم اثنينهم

وقدرتى كل واحد على قد درجاته

هذا رأيي


qesat_5ayal said...

خايفة تجرحين مشاعره

لكن لازم يتعلم
والتعلم ما يأتي بالساهل

اول مرة ينصدم
عقبها يعتبر

الله يسهل
وقوي قلبج
او مثل ما قالت الزين

أعتقد نعم يقدر على التمثيل
وقد يصل لدرجة التصديق

Anonymous said...

حرام عليج إنجنير
أنتو شو قلبج
شو هالقسوة!!

أنا لو مكانج
باخذ مستر زي مع مستر كيه لاي مكان هم يتفقون عليه و أخليهم يطلبون كل إللي يتشهونه

بعدين آخذ طلبية مستر كيه و أعطيه اياها و استلم طلبيتي و طلبية متسر زي و أحطهم في الأمانات في بطني
و أعطي مستر زي كم دينار و أقوله خذ تكسي فيهم و ارجع البيت لأني أنا و
مستر كيه بنروح السينما

و شوفي بعدها إذا بيقدر يمثل أنه مب مهتم

و بش

Nora said...

وشك و الا ضووو الأمر

لاااا ما اقدر ما اقدر
ما ابي اذله

لانهم اخوان ما يبي يغار من اخوه
يمكن اسوي نفس الفكرة

طلعة الشطار
حق الشاطر بس
و طلعة الاخوان ههههه
اشقلهم كلهم بمكان اقل وناسة
والله انا بالشة عمري تصدقين
يا زينه من رأي دامه من الزين
لو انا اختج و بسوي فيج جذي

اي يا الصدمة الأولى ابيها تكون رقيقة شوية لا تكسر فيه شي بس هزة يعني ما اتحمل يا ربي
تخيلي ويهه نسخة من ويهج
حركاتج عيونج

ما يندقر هالولد
بس انا انذرت فا معذورة

حبيبتي مشكورة على الدعاااء

bin 3li
hehehehe ..
محمود المليجي مش ألوا انك مت

شلون يطووف فيني اللي طالبه و عينه فيه
ما شالله عليك سفااااااح عريق

خلاص بعطي مستر كيه امتياز الطلعة الكشخة
و الصعاليك كفووهم ستاربكس


الزين said...


لا ماراح اكرهج

بكون حريصة على رضاج بالمرة الياية


تدرين شنو مشكلة الولد الثاني؟؟

ما عنده روح التنافس

ومو مهم عنده يدخل تتحدي ويطلع بالنهاية فايز

حاولي تقوين فيه هالروح

من هنيه ترى ايي النجاح

Kuw_Son said...

Now you tell me !!

You mentioned that the 9.5 kid should feel unique .. and you are feeling bad towards the x-grade boy !!

how could u make him feel unique while u r trying to get help from other people !!

go for it .. and reward that smart guy instead of asking for help .. ignore that cold kid and do it one time and see the result :)

good luck

magnoonah said...

مساء النور

اعتقد انه انسانه مثلج اخذت كل هالوقت تفكير بتوصل لحل وسط معاهم

اتوقع انه الي ما ياب درجه زينه ماخذ الموضوع بلا مبالاة وبتحدي معاج
والدليل انه قاعد يعبر انه مو مهتم

لازم تتذكرن انهم صغار يعني لو ما تعلموا الحين ما راح يتعلمون بعدين

الهديه من حق الي ياب درجه زينه
اما الثاني اقترح عليج ما تطلعينه معاكم وتستانسون الا انج ما تنسينه بشي يحبه وبسيط وانتي راجعه عشان يحس انج مهتمه ويحاول يطيب خاطرج عكس تفكيره فيج

تحياتي والله يعينج

Nora said...

طمنتي قلبي الله يطمن قلبج
اصلا انا محاصرته بالمشاعر
غصبن عليه يحبني لو شنو

مشكلته اعمق و اذا عندج اهتمام بالأطفال تابعي الحلقة القادمة
مشكورة على المتابعة يا زينة الزين

why are u mad at me :(
wallah i had good grades wallaah wallaaaaaaah not me it's him :P

he's gonna be treated the way he deserve..
i'm asking for help about how can i not SCARE the other boy ..Kids are very sensitive u know.. i dont wanna break his spirit b3d ..

the cold boy has a problem that has been diagnosed this last week..

thanks u ..

هلا و مرحبا
خوووش فكرة فكرتج
نروح و انييب له سفونير
;) i liked it ...

شكراااا و شرفتاي المكان